EASA First Approved A320-200 FFS Std.2.0 at JATS based on EASA CS-FSTD(A) Issue 2 as the Primary Reference
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Engine Fit: IAE V2527-A5 (Prime)
CFM56-5B4 (Alternate)
Primary Reference: EASA CS-FSTD(A) Issue 2
Additional Functionality: Full/Post Stall
Ready For Training
The following events can be conducted and trained on:
- IOS Operations with IPad IOS
- Upset Prevention and Recovery Training(UPRT): Prevention, Recognition and Recovery - 8 Scenarios with Startle & Surprise effect. Manoeuvre & Scenario-Based Training options at various altitudes and severities with Alpha-Beta Plots & V-n Plots and Training Envelops [Validated and Extended]
- Full/Post Stall
- High Altitude Stall
- Engine and Airframe Icing Effects
- Gusting Crosswind
- Bounced Landing
- Runway Overrun Protection System [ROPS]
- Auto Pilot TCAS7.1
- Back Up Speed Scale[BUSS]
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