FSTD Qualification and Operation Training Course
Jordan Airline Training & Simulation [JATS] Quality Auditors & Simulator Engineers/Technicians have undergone an FSTD Qualification & Operation Course conducted by Mr. Andrew Bell/Principle FSTD Inspector at UK Civil Aviation Authority:
[A professional, reputable and highly driven engineer who has many years experience in the flight crew training equipment industry (design, integrated test, project engineering) and latterly as a UKCAA and EASA approved regulator in that sector]
The course lasted 3 full days and covered the whole aspects of CS-FSTD in regards to Regulations, QTGs and CMS.
CAAi is a leading, globally recognized aviation consultancy that delivers and promotes best practice in aviation governance and education. CAAi’s client base stretches over 140 countries.
It was an enjoyable and highly educational course.