Initial Dispatch Course
This course is designed to provide instructions in the Basic and Advanced Technical knowledge required by an aircraft dispatcher
Minimum prerequisites:
The requirements to issue Dispatch License are:
- A Medical Fit For Duty Certificate
- A Minimum educational level of successful completion of high school (Tawjihi) or equivalents.
- The applicant can read, write, speak and understand English Language.
- Complete successfully flight dispatch course.
- A minimum age of 21 years for dispatcher license issue.
- Preparation Training: At least 35 programmed hours.
- Basic Knowledge Training. At least 290 programmed hours.
- Applied Practical Training. The training shall include:
- Applied practical flight operations. At least 25 programmed hours.
- Simulator LOFT observation and synthetic flight training. At least 4 programmed hours.
- Flight dispatch practices (on job training). At least 13 weeks - 90 days
- Route familiarization. At least 1 week.
- Can be arranged with a Jordanian AOC Holder or scheduled foreign airlines of an ICAO Contracting State for at least 13 weeks/90 days.